Microsoft 365 Enterprise

Making sense of the many DLP options in Microsoft 365

Making sense of the many DLP options for Microsoft 365

One of my readers wrote to me recently about an article that I penned a couple of years ago, on the topic of Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365. They pointed out that my breakdown was a bit dated now, and that the Microsoft universe seems to...
There is no panacea, there is no silver bullet

There is no panacea, there is no silver bullet

I had a really interesting question come up during one of my recent online courses. One of the participants asked whether device management, and even MAM (application-based management) were necessary anymore, now that we have stuff like MIP and

Devices or Users: When to target which policy type in Microsoft Intune

Note: I updated this article in June 2024 A new reader question came across my desk the other day. In truth, it is not the first time I have answered this question, but I realized that I could probably repeat myself less if I simply write an article and publish it....

Your customers are coming to me…

I wanted to bring up an interesting trend that I have been seeing in my website's contact form. I still get plenty of messages from IT Pros, independent consultants and Managed Services Providers. But, in recent months, I have also been seeing an increasing number of SMB customers coming to...

Why aren’t you charging your customers to take care of Microsoft 365?

This is a simple question. The way I see it, there are many opportunities to provide Managed Services for SMB customers with regard to their Microsoft 365 subscriptions. Yet to this day, hardly anyone is doing it. Why? I suspect some folks have difficulty...

Behold: The Power of Sensitivity Labels

Even though some people are aware of the concepts of Data Classification and tools such as Microsoft 365 Sensitivity Labels, I do not think that many of us out there have yet grasped the full implications, or taken the long view, so to speak. Note: this is a longer read....

Is “Best Practices” a myth?

I often find myself musing over this question these days. Granted, I actually do publish something called The Microsoft 365 Best Practices Checklists--but really these are more like recommendations. In fact, I recently updated them to include governance decisions around collaboration (e.g. affecting apps such as...

Yes, you really can let go: Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams creation policy, revisited

I have to laugh because this is still such a seemingly controversial idea. "Should users be allowed to create their own Teams?" I have written about this topic many times before, but I still get the best comments about it from non-believers.The real issue is...

Implementing the ACSC Essential 8 with Microsoft 365

I have had this request on my backburner for a while, and I finally got around to knocking it out: from a reader in the Land Down Under--Australia!UPDATE: Microsoft has a much-improved set of Learn articles on the Essential Eight, with detailed guidance on implementing the three Maturity Levels (MLs)...

Managed Services Opportunities within Microsoft 365

I still regularly receive questions from independent IT consultants as well as Managed Services Providers about Microsoft 365 in relation to "regular maintenance" tasks and the like, which can be translated into Managed Services opportunity. Everyone intuitively understands that something like this is possible, but they do not know where...

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