
Is “Best Practices” a myth?

I often find myself musing over this question these days. Granted, I actually do publish something called The Microsoft 365 Best Practices Checklists--but really these are more like recommendations. In fact, I recently updated them to include governance decisions around collaboration (e.g. affecting apps such as...

Understanding file server migrations to Microsoft 365

In my opinion, there is only one viable migration path to move data from old file servers to Microsoft 365: it has to be a user-engaged migration. IT people always ask me about tools--stuff like the SharePoint migration...

Unpopular opinion: Do not restrict users from creating Teams (Office 365 Groups)

I realize that advocating for no (or very limited) boundaries on who can create Teams puts me in the minority. When I look out across the community, I mostly see consultants in this space suggesting the opposite is a superior approach for various reasons--that the privilege should be constrained heavily....

Two philosophies for deploying Microsoft Teams in an organization

IT admins throughout the world subscribe to one of two worldviews today: Control mindset: IT's job is to control and restrict, and of course, to protect the clueless users from all of those scary threats out there in the world today (including themselves)Empower mindset: IT's job is to educate and...

The Promise of Technology is also the Danger

Who would deny the promise of technology? Technology does allow us to achieve feats that would have seemed like fantasy even a few decades ago--nobody denies that. Furthermore, each iteration of new technology makes the one before it instantly obsolete, or at least, they appear lackluster. That which seemed impossible yesterday is possible...

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