How to Fall in Love with your Job: Always do your best
Peter, most people don’t like their jobs. But you go out there and find something that makes you happy. –Office Space Even half a century ago, most people could not have connected with this movie as well as they do today. Memes from this modern classic can be found everywhere on the Internet,...
IT Doomsday?
Doomers have existed since the beginning of time. And almost every generation of people has believed, at one time or another, that their generation might be the last--those who witness (or usher in) the end of the world. Post-apocalyptic dystopia even enjoys their own sub-genre within the fictional realm--find these themes in every form...
Mobility as a Lifestyle
Last year I took a few months off from my job. As an engineer, I believe that planning is everything. So I figured I'd schedule my mid-life crises in advance and try to have it out of the way early, before I even hit middle-age. During this time I did quite a...
The Measure of Success
How do you measure success? In the world of consulting, we live and die by the billable hour. Utilization. But I haven't watched that metric for myself--ever. I've been told to, of course. But as with many conventions, I generally ignore it. These days, I'm lucky enough to work for a company that...
Knowledge is Power: What does it mean?
Knowledge is Power. Everyone knows that. But not all forms of knowledge were created equally. The same is true of the corresponding power. There are many different shades of knowledge in life, and we do not always distinguish among them in common everyday discourse. However, in most real-life working environments, these various...
Certification vs. Qualification
I hold several certifications in my field of expertise: a number of Microsoft certifications, as well as Cisco, WatchGuard, IBM and other technologies. Before all of that happened, I also earned my bachelor’s in mathematics and philosophy from University, as well as a shiny Master’s degree from a private college. My...