Monthly Archives - June 2020

Troubleshooting weird Azure AD Join issues

If you are starting to do more Azure AD Join (or disjoin/rejoin) operations, you may run into some issues at times where the computer reports an error. These can take several forms, but generally the message is, "Sorry dude, but you can't join/register this device."Here are a few scenarios that...

Implementing the ACSC Essential 8 with Microsoft 365

I have had this request on my backburner for a while, and I finally got around to knocking it out: from a reader in the Land Down Under--Australia!UPDATE: Microsoft has a much-improved set of Learn articles on the Essential Eight, with detailed guidance on implementing the three Maturity Levels (MLs)...

Managed Services Opportunities within Microsoft 365

I still regularly receive questions from independent IT consultants as well as Managed Services Providers about Microsoft 365 in relation to "regular maintenance" tasks and the like, which can be translated into Managed Services opportunity. Everyone intuitively understands that something like this is possible, but they do not know where...

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