Tag - Exchange

Updated: How to migrate email to Office 365 Exchange Online with zero downtime (the easy way)

Some people will tell you that Hybrid is not a good idea for small business networks, since it is "too complex" or "too messy." Don't listen to the naysayers. They are just not aware yet of how stupidly simple it has become, with options like

Windows Server 2019, Windows Server Essentials 2019, Office 2019 and other 2019 Microsoft products for the SMB

So the 2019 lineup of products are basically all here now--Office 2019, Windows Server 2019, Exchange Server 2019, etc.  Now with regard to the SMB space, I would usually be recommending that most organizations, especially very small sized business of 25 users or less, be looking toward the

2016 Essentials Integration: Manage Exchange Active Sync Policies

Assuming you have already setup integration to Azure AD and Office 365, you should be able to start applying Exchange Active Sync policies to your mobile devices. Now, the way to add a mobile device into your Dashboard is really quite simple. Just add an Office 365...

How to properly remove Exchange 2007/2010 from SBS 2008/2011 after migration to Office 365

Most small businesses that were invested in the Small Business Server (SBS) platform are migrating to Office 365. This means they no longer need to keep their on-premises Exchange Server. However, there is a proper way to remove the Exchange services from the SBS server before you dismantle it for good. Exchange should...

How to Remove a Legacy Hybrid Exchange Server and migrate to Windows Server Essentials Office 365 Integration

If you performed a Remote Move migration from a legacy system such as SBS 2011 or Exchange 2010, and now you want to remove your hybrid server without losing the ability to sync passwords to Office 365, I have some good news for you: it's totally...

How-to migrate Email from Small Business Server 2008/2011 or Exchange Server 2007/2010 to Office 365 with Zero Downtime

Update: Please refer to this newer article. Some of the details here are very dated--like there is no hybrid key anymore--and the activation only works on 2016, not 2019, plus we have minimal hybrid now, etc., etc. A "minimal hybrid" approach is preferred if you're just doing a quick...

Manage Office 365 Mailboxes using Directory Synchronization w/o Hybrid Exchange

When you have a hybrid environment configured between Exchange 2010 or 2013 and Office 365, then you will probably have noticed that mailbox creation and management happens on-premises. For example, to create a new mailbox, you would initiate this process from the local Exchange server instead of the Office 365...

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