
Introducing the Microsoft Office 365 Email Security Checklist

Update March 2023: This project morphed into the Microsoft 365 Best Practices Checklists, which includes a checklist and guide for each of the major services in Microsoft 365. You can get the product here. Okay. I think I have had enough. Enough of what? Enough of reports like this...

Updated: How to migrate email to Office 365 Exchange Online with zero downtime (the easy way)

Some people will tell you that Hybrid is not a good idea for small business networks, since it is "too complex" or "too messy." Don't listen to the naysayers. They are just not aware yet of how stupidly simple it has become, with options like

Protect messages and documents in Microsoft 365 Business with AIP, part 1: Email encryption

In this series, I am going to show off some of the functionality and customization that you can make in Microsoft 365 Business, which includes Azure Information Protection (AIP). There is a growing user base for this SKU, and a lot of admins out there trying to figure out how...

New OME Encryption Template, Criticism Revisited…

Spooky. Lately it's like Microsoft is following this blog or something. I have been working on a number of posts that I'm rather excited about. First, I had one of my biggest wishes come true, with the release of Files On-Demand for OneDrive (included in Fall Creator's update). Additionally, I've been piloting...

Office 365 Email encryption vs. Rights Management templates

This is a four-part post on Azure Rights Management for Office 365. The Azure RMS service is a powerful tool that we can use to prevent data leakage and share information securely with users inside & outside of the organization. Follow along as we explore how to: Activate Azure Rights Management for Office 365  Configure...

How to configure Email encryption for Office 365

This is a four-part post on Azure Information Protection (formerly Rights Management) for Office 365. The Azure RMS service is a powerful tool that we can use to prevent data leakage and share information securely with users inside & outside of the organization. Follow along as we explore how to: Activate Azure Information Protection for Office...

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