Three ways to protect your customer’s on-premises data with Azure: Part 3 – Azure Site Recovery
In the previous two posts we looked at: Azure Backup (using the MARS agent) Azure Backup Server (free DPM server) Those two solutions are markedly different from one another, but they both basically provide some kind of backup. The former does only file, folder & system state information--no application data is...
How to perform an Unplanned Failover from Azure Site Recovery
In a previous series, I wrote about Azure Site Recovery, and the new integration tools available in Windows Server 2016, through the Essentials role (enabling some pretty cool new offerings, potentially, for service providers and consultants). ASR for Windows Server Essentials makes setting up Disaster Recovery into the Microsoft Azure...
Tutorial: How-to Setup Azure Site Recovery using Windows Server Essentials, Part 3: Failover
In part 1 of this series, we covered the pre-requisites for Azure Site Recovery using the Windows Server Essentials integration features. In part 2, we configured the Azure Virtual Network using the Essentials Dashboard plugin, and replicated our VM's. Now in this final part...
Tutorial: How-to Setup Azure Site Recovery using Windows Server Essentials, Part 2: Configuration
Windows Server Essentials (or the Essentials Experience role) can be leveraged to quickly provision a full Disaster Recovery site in the cloud, and replicate Virtual Machines from your on-premises Hyper-V server(s) to Azure. The built-in integrations that make this possible are Azure Virtual Network and Azure Site Recovery. Image credit: Alex...
Tutorial: How-to Setup Azure Site Recovery using Windows Server Essentials, Part 1: Pre-requisites
Windows Server Essentials (or the Essentials Experience role) can be leveraged to quickly provision and enable a full Disaster Recovery site in the cloud using built-in Azure integration features. The solution is composed of two Azure products: Azure Virtual Network and Azure Site Recovery. I have previously...
More Azure Site Recovery bugs in Windows Server Essentials?
Previously, I wrote about the Azure Site Recovery plugin for Windows Server Essentials Dashboard. One might say that it hasn't been the best product so far, in that getting it to work without hiccups is apparently luck of the draw. Â Microsoft Support hasn't been able to reproduce...
New ransomware variant also finds & deletes backups?!
I recently came across this forum thread on Veeam's website, which scared the crap out of me. Coincidentally, Veeam published this article the same day. If these reports are accurate, then it means most organizations have some work to do to better secure themselves...
Bug with Essentials Integration for Azure Site Recovery
Awhile back, I had written a series on all the neat integrations available with Windows Server Essentials (or Essentials Experience, if installing it on top of Standard as a role). Â You may have noticed that I never published an article regarding one of the most exciting features--integration with