Exchange Online

Moving to Microsoft 365 means getting to know your data (and your business)

Moving to Microsoft 365 means getting to know your data (and your business)

Through my website's contact form, I still hear about botched migrations to Microsoft 365 on a regular basis. This is usually due to exactly one problem: ignorance about the process, as well as ignorance about the datasets being migrated, as well as ignorance about...

Introducing the Microsoft Office 365 Email Security Checklist

Update March 2023: This project morphed into the Microsoft 365 Best Practices Checklists, which includes a checklist and guide for each of the major services in Microsoft 365. You can get the product here. Okay. I think I have had enough. Enough of what? Enough of reports like this...

Three ways to disable basic authentication and legacy protocols in Exchange Online

One of the most common (and often successful) attacks we see in the wild is a simple brute force / password spray against weak accounts. Especially against shared mailboxes. From that foothold, the most common next step attackers will take is to send out spam/phishing emails from the compromised account,...

How to deal with departed user data in Microsoft Office 365

Going from one organization to the next, I am always amazed at how different people implement their own take on new user setups or decommissioning departed users. Some have no real organized methodology and it's a hassle every time, while others have a well-developed practice or script around each process.It...

Updated: How to migrate email to Office 365 Exchange Online with zero downtime (the easy way)

Some people will tell you that Hybrid is not a good idea for small business networks, since it is "too complex" or "too messy." Don't listen to the naysayers. They are just not aware yet of how stupidly simple it has become, with options like

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