Why You Should Avoid Single Label Domains
What is a Single Label Domain (SLD)?  This is a term that Microsoft uses to describe domains which have only a single name, and no suffix such as ".local" or ".com."  For example, your Active Directory domain might have a name like "company.local," but if it were Single Label, it might...
Casual Cape Day: It’s About Gratitude
Three years ago, I decided to start a new holiday at my office. I got the idea from an old friend of mine back in college, who randomly put on a cape one day, and decided to declare Casual Cape Day. This kind of thing has been done before, so certainly there is...
What to do about cloud outages
Last week, Amazon experienced a major service disruption to it's Simple Storage Services (S3). Here is their official (detailed) statement on the cause of the outage. As you probably heard, a lot of major online retailers and other companies who depend on these services were impacted. But what can you...