Tag - password sync

Should I set my password policy to never expire?

I had some people contact me about this after my Azure AD best practices guide for the SMB dropped. Microsoft has been saying to get rid of password expiration. They even award you more Secure Score points if you follow their advice and trash it. In fact, I personally have...

Password write-back is now supported on Microsoft 365 Business Premium! (And how to setup SSPR for hybrid accounts)

Well, well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise? Microsoft recently granted another one of my wishes, which I have previously blogged about, here. (1) Self-service password reset (SSPR) is now supported for hybrid synced accounts on the Microsoft 365 Business Premium subscription. The welcome announcement made on Microsoft's tech community blog did...

Multifactor Authentication Server is not compatible with password sync?

I was recently asked for help implementing Microsoft's Multifactor Authentication Server for an on-premises Remote Desktop farm.  There is a great resource on the web at RDS Gurus that steps you through this process.  Just for the sake of doing my homework, I decided to read up on more detail on Azure's...

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