
IT Doomsday?

Doomers have existed since the beginning of time. And almost every generation of people has believed, at one time or another, that their generation might be the last--those who witness (or usher in) the end of the world. Post-apocalyptic dystopia even enjoys their own sub-genre within the fictional realm--find these themes in every form...

Redirection no more?

I had recently published an article about setting up NTFS security for roaming profiles and redirected folders, when a co-worker and I got into an interesting discussion.  So I had to share some of these thoughts while they were still bouncing around in my brain. The question is this: does...

2016 Essentials Integration: Microsoft Intune

Today we're going to enable the Microsoft Intune integration service from the Essentials Dashboard and discuss what it means a little bit. Intune is another cloud offering by Microsoft. It's purpose is to enable more robust Mobile Device Management. You can obtain an Intune subscription separately, which is what this process is basically leading...

Migrating File Shares from SBS to Office 365 SharePoint Online

When it comes to file shares, you have a choice to make. Whether you are coming from Windows Small Business Server, or one of the other releases (Essentials, Standard, Datacenter, etc.), you must decide: Do you want to continue to use traditional file shares, or are you going to use SharePoint...

Knowledge is Power: What does it mean?

Knowledge is Power. Everyone knows that. But not all forms of knowledge were created equally. The same is true of the corresponding power. There are many different shades of knowledge in life, and we do not always distinguish among them in common everyday discourse. However, in most real-life working environments, these various...

Comparing Costs: Azure IaaS vs. On-Premises Server Hardware

Most people do not compare costs of running infrastructure in Azure to traditional on-premises deployments appropriately. To begin with, it is almost impossible to compare them apples-to-apples. For example: as soon as you deploy a VM in Azure, all of your data will be written into 3 different storage locations by default. If you select...

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