Azure Information Protection

Showdown: Office 365 E3 vs. Microsoft 365 Business

Recently I wrote a few articles on the various subscriptions out there, and how confusing everything is getting as the 365 universe expands and morphs. Since that time, I have also been playing more and more with the Microsoft 365 Business subscription (as opposed to Office 365 Business).  As

How to bundle even more security into your Office 365 subscription

In a previous post, I covered some of the most common SKU's that are frequently purchased by small businesses, who are migrating to the Office 365 platform. In a nutshell, by FAR the most common of those are Office 365 Business Premium and Office 365 Enterprise E3--and...

Tutorial: How to downgrade to the old Office 365 Message Encryption

I recently shared the method used to enable the "new" Office 365 Message Encryption features, built on Azure Information Protection. That process can be followed either to setup a new tenant with the latest version (v2), or to upgrade an existing tenant from the old version (v1.2)...

Tutorial: Enabling the “new” Office 365 Email Encryption

Previously we have covered Office 365 Message Encryption, as well as what used to be called Azure Rights Management (now Azure Information Protection).  The name changes weren't confusing enough for us, right? Well, awhile back they announced this big change to the email encryption...

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