Tag - Lighthouse

GDAP in M365 Lighthouse

Reviewing the GDAP Wizard in Lighthouse

Hey folks! In today’s article, we will be taking a closer look at Granular Delegated Admin Permissions or GDAP.  You can think of this feature as providing similar functionality to Privileged Identity Management (PIM), including “Just-in-Time” (JIT) access, but specifically with regard to your partner tenant as you “reach across”...

SMB Ignite stuff, and other news

Big week here at ITProMentor.com. Ignite is happening, so that's always fun. Currently hanging out with the Re365 crew to watch the keynote this morning! My own Ignite session, which I recorded with Microsoft's David Bjurman-Birr, is also live now, and posted in a few places, but most notably ebedded within this...

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