Windows Information Protection done right, part 2: typical set up steps

Last time we talked about a couple of key concepts including enlightened and non-enlightened apps, and how Windows Information Protection (WIP) treats corporate data differently than personal. In short, a non-enlightened app and all of its data will be treated by WIP as personal (by default). However, if you choose...

Windows Information Protection done right, part 1: education and background

A while back I mentioned that WIP policies are not something you should turn on blindly, as they can have disastrous consequences. That is true, when implemented without a plan. However, it is also a very powerful tool that...

Give extra Consideration before implementing WIP (Windows 10 App protection policies)

In Microsoft 365 plans it is possible to configure application protection policies for Android, iOS and Windows 10, right from the 365 Admin center under Devices > Policies. Once built, these correspond to policies that you can find within the Intune / Device management portal under Client apps > App...

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