Replacing folder redirection and mapped network drives: Controlling the OneDrive client experience on Windows 10 with Intune
For as long as we can remember, the primary way to share files in an organization was mapped network drives. This may have included a "Public" or "Company" drive (e.g. P:\ for Public), as well as a "Home" or "User" drive (H:\ or U:\ respectively). As well, there may have...
Replacing your traditional file server with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive, part 2: How to make it happen fast
As promised, today I am going to show you how easy it is to replace your legacy file server and network drive experience with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. Seriously, anyone can set this up, and it takes just a few minutes. Pre-requisites are: Windows 10 Pro (Creators...
Replacing your traditional file server with Microsoft Teams and OneDrive, part 1: Overcoming the hurdles
There is no doubt about it, more and more workloads are moving to the cloud these days, especially in the SMB space. Nevertheless, more often than not organizations (even small ones) remain completely disorganized when it comes to their legacy file servers, and this can be the most difficult piece...
We never have to deploy folder redirection to a file server, ever again
OneDrive recently announced yet another amazing feature improvement: Known Folder Move. Think of this as folder redirection 2.0--if you have historically redirected things like Desktop and Documents libraries to a file server (which leads to other Offline Files considerations for mobile workers), then this is going to...
Migrating File Shares from SBS to Office 365 SharePoint Online
When it comes to file shares, you have a choice to make. Whether you are coming from Windows Small Business Server, or one of the other releases (Essentials, Standard, Datacenter, etc.), you must decide: Do you want to continue to use traditional file shares, or are you going to use SharePoint...
Migrating Companyweb from SBS to Office 365 SharePoint Online
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server comes with a watered-down implementation of SharePoint called Companyweb (or WSS). Whether you are migrating from a full-blown SharePoint environment on-premises or the basic Windows Server-included Windows SharePoint Services, you are going to have to come to terms with one major migration hurdle: Microsoft provides no...