Tag - Microsoft Threat Protection

How much security is ‘enough’ security? Looking at Microsoft 365 Defender vs. Azure Sentinel

How much security is 'enough' security? This is in fact a trick question, I just threw it in there to get your attention. When it comes to security, one can never be 'safe,' but only 'safer' (even with the most expensive of cybersecurity tools and talented, dedicated humans to back...

My opinion on Microsoft Threat Protection for the SMB

Since I released my guide on Microsoft 365 E5 Security and Microsoft Threat Protection, I have been getting a lot of questions and comments about my stance on the use of these products for SMB customers. I left it too neutral, I guess, in the original publication. So, let me...

Building your Security Practice with Microsoft Threat Protection and Azure Sentinel

I have some exciting news today. I have a new publication available covering Microsoft 365 E5 Security and Microsoft Threat Protection, with a bonus section at the end featuring Azure Sentinel (which is a separate product, not included with Microsoft 365). The document is available here if you want to...

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