The Underwhelming MAM for Edge

The Underwhelming MAM for Edge and What Else We Can Do

A while back I had written about a solution that I have been anxiously awaiting since its announcement: MAM for Edge on Windows. Let me explain the background a bit. We used to have Windows Information Protection (WIP). Well, we still have it for enrolled...
A Sneak Peek at App Management for Edge

A Sneak Peek at Application Management for Edge

This blog has been active for at least six years. To this day, I probably receive more questions about BYOD and the various options we have for management with regard to personal devices, than any other topic that I have written about. I think this just goes to show the...

The realities and limitations of managing personal (BYOD) devices in Microsoft 365 and Endpoint Manager

These days, I am willing to bet that I get asked about BYOD endpoints over corporate endpoints 10 to 1. Personal devices (even personal Windows devices) are creeping into the workplace more and more, especially with so many working from home. And this does present a few challenges for those...

Showdown: Exchange Active Sync vs. Office 365 MDM vs. Intune (MDM and MAM)

The Microsoft 365 platform offers customers not one, not two, but three distinct Mobile Device Management solutions (well, technically four, as we'll see). In my experience, most small business customers will be fine with nothing more than a well configured Exchange Active Sync policy, requiring basics like a pass code,...

How Office 365 has changed the way I work

Office 365 as a Gateway to Mobility

Nothing is more intriguing to me right now in our industry than the concept of mobility (and to some extent, BYOD). I am an avid fan and believer: I think that Office 365 has, more than any other product, delivered on the promises...

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